Quantitative Quick Filter Options

  • Range of Values/Dates - shows the filtered values as a pair of sliders that you can adjust to include or exclude more values. Click on the upper and lower limit readouts to enter the values manually.
    The darker area inside the slider range is called the data bar. It indicates the range in which data points actually lie in the view. Use this indicator to determine a filter that makes sense for the data in your data source. For example, you may filter the Sales field to only include values between $200,000 and $500,000 but your view only contains values between $250,000 and $320,000. The range of data you can see in the view is indicated by the data bar while the sliders show you the range of the filter.
    Data bars only show in filters where the filtered field is also used in the view (e.g., on Columns, Rows, or on the Marks card, and son on) and are at the same aggregation level as the field on the Filters shelf. For example, a quick filter on SUM(Sales) will only display data bars if the SUM(Sales) field is used in the view. It won't show if AVG(Sales) is used in the view. Even though in both scenarios, the filtered field, Sales is used in the view; in the latter case the aggregation is different than the aggregation of the filter.

  • At Least/Starting Date- shows a single slider with a fixed minimum value. Use this option to create a filter using an open ended range.

  • At Most/Ending Date - shows a slider with a fixed maximum value. Use this option to create a filter using an open ended range.

  • Relative to Now - shows a control where you can define a dynamic date range that updates based on when you open the view. The option is only available for filters on continuous date fields.

  • Browse Periods - shows common date ranges such as past day, week, month, three months, one year, and five years. This option is only available for filters on continuous date fields.

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